welcome to pontiacv8.com
Whether you're a Pontiac V8 purist or simply drawn to the performance division of General Motors' that created a complete line of iconic American automobiles, you're definitely in the right place. At PontiacV8.com, we're dedicated to preserving and promoting the heritage of V8-powered Pontiacs of all model years.
From recounting personal experiences, to researching little known details, to sharing the excitement of the Pontiac brand with the next generation of automotive enthusiasts and beyond – here you'll find all you need to satisfy your thirst for all things Pontiac. So, kick back, point, click and plan to stick around awhile as you tour our website.
“Researching Pontiacs is a sincere passion of mine and there hasn’t been a day in my life where I haven’t woke up striving to learn more about Pontiacs than the day before.”
blog posts
What's a hobby without other like-minded enthusiasts to share it with? These blog posts share a personal collection of Pontiac literature, documents and bulletins, along with personal stories. But they're just the start. Be sure to make comment and share your own experiences to keep Pontiac excitement alive.
It's not often that you get to teach your teacher, but that's what happens when your passion is Pontiacs and you've been given a creative writing project for your high school English class. That was decades ago and the rest, as they say, is history. And in this case, there's lots of it. Now, just find a topic that appeals to you and enjoy this chronicle of the many articles I've written about Pontiacs.
Whether you can’t get enough information about Pontiac V8s, need more information to rebuild your engine, or want to learn as much as possible about your beloved Firebird in one of two research books, you've definitely come to the right place. Be sure to stop back, we’re adding items all the time.
I’ve been surrounded by second-generation Trans Ams my entire life. This Chesterfield Brown ‘78 Trans Am that my dad bought new is one that sticks with me most. Follow along as I share my memories of it from my youth.