I’ve been surrounded by second-generation Trans Ams my entire life. This Chesterfield Brown ‘78 Trans Am that my dad bought new is one that sticks with me most. Follow along as I share my memories of it from my youth.
Found! The ’86-87 Grand Prix GT Story!
Pontiac4 CommentsDuring the mid-1980s, Myrtle Motors in New York recognized a missed opportunity within Pontiac’s midsized lineup. Buick, Chevrolet, and Oldsmobile were offering their own high-performance G-cars. Pontiac’s Grand Prix, while sporty, missed that mark. Just when I figured learning its backstory was lost to history, I met Ed Bloom—the person responsible for its existence! Here’s what he has to say!
News From Pontiac Magazine-Have You Seen It?
Pontiac5 CommentsPontiac’s Public Relations department printed its News From Pontiac magazine from the early-60s through the early-80s. My mother found this 1975 printing at a local garage sale and that initiated my quest to find more of them. Here’s my first experience with News From Pontiac. Have you ever seen any copies?
Valencia—Pontiac's 1972 Luxury LeMans Show Car
Pontiac3 CommentsDo you remember the 1972 Luxury LeMans show car Valencia that Pontiac campaigned that model year? Here are some details about it. I’d love to hear your take.
Memories of a 1972 Formula 455 H.O.
personal story7 CommentsDo you have any cars from your youth that remain engrained in your memory? One, for me, was a Springfield Green 1972 Formula 455 H.O. that was in the Omaha area during the 1980s and 1990s. Its unique exterior color and healthy 455 H.O. stuck with me over the years. I hope to share my memories of that car with you.
My Dad's New '72 LeMans...
Pontiac, personal story9 CommentsIn October 1971, my dad placed an order for a Cameo White '72 LeMans. He shares his memories of that car with us.
Found! 1973-1974 Grand Am 4-speed Production Totals!
Pontiac13 CommentsFor years Pontiac hobbyists and in particular, Grand Am enthusiasts have wondered just how rare the 4-speed manual transmission was in 1973 and 1974. We recently discovered those production numbers! Click here to read more!
'87 Grand Prix GT—An Original Owner’s Perspective!
Pontiac4 CommentsIn 1986 and 1987 Myrtle Motors in Queens, New York offered its Grand Prix GT—a performance and appearance package that gave Pontiac G-body buyers something to compete against the Monte Carlo SS, Grand National, 4-4-2, and Hurst/Olds of the era. Dave Brooks ordered and purchased an ‘87 Grand Prix GT new. Here’s his story!
Smokey and The Bandit—The Movie Cars
Pontiac, vintage photos5 CommentsMany second-gen Trans Am enthusiasts have a love affair with Smokey and The Bandit and the ‘77 Special Edition Trans Am in the movie. Does anyone truly know how many black-and-gold beauties were used in the movie? Bo Durban has made determining that his mission and he’s happy to share what he’s learned about Smokey and The Bandit in the process. Here’s how..
Special-Paint Pontiacs--Have You Ever Seen These?
Pontiac, did you know3 CommentsFrank Woods Pontiac in Charlotte, North Carolina regularly used special-paint Pontiacs to promote its dealership during the 1960s. Follow along to learn more. Have you ever seen any of these uniquely-equipped-and-painted vehicles? Or are you aware of any similar dealer promotions?
What?! A Large Bird Decal On The 1969 Firebird 400…Deck Lid?
did you know, Pontiac6 CommentsMost Pontiac enthusiasts know that the 1973 Trans Am was the first Firebird to receive boldly-detailed exterior ornamentation with its optional hood decal. Did you know that the large Firebird emblem wasn’t Pontiac’s first attempt at such ornamentation? The 1969 Firebird 400 was slated to be boldly decorated. And here’s proof!
1974 and 1975 Trans Ams with a Vinyl Roof—Have You Ever Seen One?
Pontiac17 CommentsDid you know that Pontiac offered its Cordova Top option on Trans Ams during the 1974 and 1975 model years? I’ve documented a small-number of 1974 Trans Ams equipped as such, but have yet to document any 1975 Trans Ams equipped with the factory-installed padded vinyl roof option. Have you ever seen one?
Correctly Identifying A Numbers-Matching T/A 6.6 in A 1978 or 1979 Firebird
Pontiac1 CommentPontiac discontinued its 400-inch Pontiac V-8 after the 1978 model year, but tens of thousands of 1978 and 1979 Formulas and Trans Ams received with the basic L78 or optional T/A 6.6 in those model years. Have you ever tried documenting the originality one? Those produced at Van Nuys can have their engine’s partial VIN stamp in a couple of locations. Here’s where you can find them!
A 1972 Formula 455 H.O. Ordered For Maximum Performance
Pontiac6 CommentsLet’s step back in time for a moment, say to the 1972 model year. You walk into your local Pontiac dealer to order a new Firebird Formula. How would you equip it? Chances are, you’d check off the appropriate boxes that would deliver maximum performance. Does that sound about right? If so, I’d like to introduce you to Dave Witt and the 1972 Formula 455 that he ordered new!
McQ's 1973 Trans Am--Info Uncovered On Four Movie Cars!
Pontiac9 CommentsHave you ever wondered how many 1973 Trans Ams were used in the movie McQ? With recently uncovered paperwork. we now know there that Pontiac supplied at least four Brewster Green Firebirds. Here’s information on them including another VIN!
It's Back! The Definitive Firebird & Trans Am Guide 1970-1981! Order Your Copy Now!
Pontiac2 CommentsOut of print for some time, Cartech Books has made my book—The Definitive Firebird & Trans Am Guide 1970-1981—available for immediate ordering. Get your copy today!
Found! One of McQ’s 1973 Trans Ams!
Pontiac5 CommentsI’ve spent years trying to determine how many Brewster Green 1973 Trans Ams that Pontiac supplied for the filming of McQ and what became of them. I learned that one movie car has survived and it’s in private hands today. Here’s that story!
A Special-Paint ’72 Trans Am in Starlight Black? Yes, Pontiac Made One!
Pontiac9 CommentsMost know that Pontiac only offered its 1970-1972 Trans Am in blue or white exterior finishes. Did you know that Pontiac produced a handful of 1972 Trans Ams in Special Paint? Here’s one in Starlight Black!
Pontiacs In The Junkyard…Part 2
Pontiac, personal story3 CommentsEvery so often I happen across a vintage Pontiac in my local junkyard. While there’s often little salvageable, I still find it intriguing. Here are some of those Pontiacs.
Seeing (Pieces of) A Second-Gen Firebird on The Road Today
Pontiac, personal story5 CommentsDid the addition of a second-gen Firebird rear spoiler add sporty appeal to a Chrysler Lebaron? You decide!